“A crystal is a subtle energy condenser. This means that it can absorb, store, project and focus subtle energies. In a certain sense, it is just like a rechargeable battery that can absorb, store and release electrical energy.”

– Master Choa Kok Sui

MCKS Pranic Crystal Healing course is simply applying Pranic Healing using crystals. A crystal is just a tool for healing. Its effectiveness depends on the skill of The Pranic Healer just as surgical knife is only a tool whose effectiveness depends on the skill of the surgeon. Although there are many types of crystal that can be used for healing, but Pranic Crystal Healing course concentrates on clear quartz crystal.

Crystals and stones naturally have consciousness and thereby can be used as a powerful instrument of healing if you know how to cleanse, program and energize them. The course will teach you the pure essence of the science and art of Pranic Crystal Healing. Ideas or beliefs that are doubtful or superstitious have been removed completely. The concepts, principles and techniques are based on validated esoteric facts which are explained in a clear and simple manner.

In this workshop you will learn:

Essential properties of crystals and the five factors that determine the real potency of a crystal.

Activating effect of a crystals on the Aura and Chakras.

Who should not wear crystals.

Basic Techniques in processing and utilizing a crystal for healing.

Consecrating crystals in order to make them more powerful by 1000 percent or more.

Instantly increase your healing power. By using special crystals, increase the healing power by 200 times or more.

Applying the Seven basic techniques in Pranic Healing while using a crystal.

How to use crystals to extract negative emotions and diseased energies from the aura quickly and easily.

Which crystals and gem stones are appropriate for which purposes. Understanding of why wearing the wrong crystals or gems could cause financial hardships or bad luck.

Consecrating rings, pendants and jewelry to attract good health and prosperity for loved ones and business associates.

How to use special crystals like obsidians to absorb and divert ‘psychic attacks’

And much more…

Pranic Crystal Healing is designed for persons interested in using crystals to improve the quality of their life and increase their healing power as it opens a new horizon to the world of crystals and stones

Duration : 1 day
Prequisite: basic, advance and psychotheraphy
Course fees: rs 6500